Instance: A Road Through the Dark

While training to become a Bounder, your trainer, Bounder Boffin, has met three hobbit travellers along the road. The three hobbits are travelling to Bree but have stopped to have a quick snack.

Returning from your errand, you see that Bounder Boffin has invited three hobbits to share in his fire. The hobbits are travelling to Bree which is a curiosity in of itself.


The hobbits seem to be having a great time. The three strangers are travelling to Bree which is a bit odd for a hobbit but soon the talk of mushrooms distracts you from that worry.

  • Sit and listen to the hobbits

Bounder Boffin thinks it is best to hide until the Black Rider passes by, and he thinks old Odo's leaf-barn could be such a place to hide.


Bounder Boffin has mentioned that you need a weapon before you venture deeper into the Farm. He has brought you to a satchel with a couple weapons.

  • Take weapons from Bounder Boffin's satchel <rgb=#00FF00>(Click on the satchel using the right mouse button)</rgb>

Bounder Boffin has asked you to spar with him to make sure you are ready for your travels.

  • Talk to Bounder Boffin

After proving yourself, speak to Bounder Boffin to see where he wishes to lead you.


After proving yourself, speak with Bounder Boffin to see where he wishes to lead you.

  • Defeat spiders (0/2)

You should let Bounder Boffin know the way is now clear to the next gate.

Bounder Boffin asked you to clear the way to the next gate while he watched for the Black Rider's return.


With the way cleared to the next gate, follow Bounder Boffin as he opens it.

  • Follow Bounder Boffin

As Bounder Boffin tries to hack through the spider webs, defend him from the spiders that will surely try to stop him.

As you made your way into Old Odo's farm, you found your way barred by spider-webs.

  • Defeat spiders (0/3)

Follow Bounder Boffin in search of safety.

Bounder Boffin found the key to Old Odo's home, but in his haste to open the door, he snapped the key off in the lock.

  • Speak to Bounder Boffin

Speak to the imprisoned hobbit, Mundo and try to help him out of there.


The Spider Queen has awoken. Free Bounder Boffin and the other hobbits from the evil spider.

  • Free the other hobbits

You find yourself imprisoned by the Blackwolds of Archet. They have put you in their camp. You must find a way to escape.

  • Free yourself from the Blackwolds of Archet

Now that you have been freed, follow Strider to help his fellow ranger Amdir. They will lead you out of this evil camp!


Flee the Blackwold Camp with Strider.

  • Flee the Blackwold Camp with Strider

Having chased away the Nazgul, speak with Mundo Sackville-Baggins.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268437678
Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268437719


This quests offers no rewards

Additional info


  • Sit and listen to the hobbits
  • Take weapons from Bounder Boffin's satchel <rgb=#00FF00>(Click on the satchel using the right mouse button)</rgb>
  • Talk to Bounder Boffin
  • Defeat spiders (0/2)
  • Follow Bounder Boffin
  • Defeat spiders (0/3)
  • Speak to Bounder Boffin
  • Talk to Mundo Sackville-Baggins
  • Free the other hobbits
  • Free yourself from the Blackwolds of Archet
  • Flee the Blackwold Camp with Strider
  • Talk to Mundo Sackville-Baggins
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