Your efforts to ready Archet for the impending Blackwold attack have come to fruition. Now the preparations are complete, and the time has come to fight.
'Quickly! Calder Cob is making his move against Archet, and wicked men of Angmar are lending him and the Blackwolds strength. We must go to the town's defence at once! Return to me when you are prepared.'
Jon Brackenbrook is at the Hunting Lodge, east of Archet.
Jon Brackenbrook is waiting for you to join his company.
Jon Brackenbrook is at the Hunting Lodge, east of Archet.
Jon Brackenbrook is waiting for you to join his company.
${RACE:Jon Brackenbrook wishes to speak with you.
After the assault on Archet, Jon Brackenbrook returned to the town to assist and rebuild, taking up his father's legacy.'[U,D,L]|'Mundo Sackville-Baggins wishes to speak with you.
After the assault on Archet, you helped Mundo Sackville-Baggins and Celandine Brandybuck on their return trip to the Shire.'[O]}