Intro: Amdir's Request

After rescuing you from the Blackwold brigands and a mysterious Black Rider, the Ranger Amdir brought you to the village of Archet in the Chetwood, east of Bree-town. The town, under threat of attack, prepares a defence against the Blackwolds.

'Gracious, just look where they want me to stay! This is nothing like home. And they say I can't go home until those Blackwold fellows are dealt with. This is outrageous!

'Well, I don't need you hanging about now, bothering me. Go talk to that Amdir fellow. He's sitting just south of here.

'I've no interest in sharing my troubles with the likes of you. Now leave me be!'

Amdir may be found resting on the ground near the centre of Archet, outside The Mad Badger Inn.

The Ranger Amdir has spread word that he wishes to speak with you.


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0 gold coin 1 silver coin 60 copper coin
52 xp icon
Quest has an additional unknown reward
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