Name | Level | Repeatable |
Head to Haerondir | 105 | No |
A Different Flora | 105 | No |
Nuisances at Nuiharn | 105 | No |
Take Heart, Men of Gondor | 105 | No |
Remnants of the Éothéod | 105 | No |
Culling the Blighted | 105 | No |
Creatures of the Mire | 105 | No |
Scouting the Blight | 105 | No |
Sniff Them Out | 105 | No |
Hidden Dangers | 105 | No |
Stalker of the Scrublands | 105 | No |
The Howling | 105 | No |
A New Friend | 105 | No |
Preparing to Move | 105 | No |
Keeping Up Appearances | 105 | No |
Continued Culling | 105 | Yes |