Scouting the Blight

Legolas has asked you to scout areas in the Noman-lands and destroy any blighted wildlife you encounter.

'${PLAYER}, I look out upon this land and feel a deep sorrow. Where Ithilien is beautiful, the Wastes are blighted and cursed. Evil's taint seeks always to spread, and we must not let that happen. Go out into the Noman-lands and take a closer look. Remove the blight wherever you find it.'

Find three survey locations around the Noman-lands.

Legolas has asked you to scout areas in the Noman-lands and destroy any blighted wildlife you find.

  • Scout the Dead Marshes

Complete two quests for Legolas while exploring the Noman-lands.

Legolas has asked you to scout areas in the Noman-lands and destroy any blighted wildlife you find.


Legolas can be found at the Camp of the Host, on the northern edge of North Ithilien.

You should return to Legolas.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268451973


0 gold coin 40 silver coin 35 copper coin
76500 xp icon
Legendary XP:
76500 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
63900 mount xp icon

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