Sniff Them Out

Mablung has asked you to venture into the Noman-lands ruins with Faroth and search for hidden Orc scouts. Defeat as many as you can.

'One of my Rangers spotted some number of Orcs running across the scrublands, but lost sight of them. There are many ruins throughout the Noman-lands and I wager that may be where the Orcs have gone. Perhaps if you drew close enough, they would come out of hiding.

'Take Faroth with you and sniff them out.'

Hidden Orc scouts can be found in the noble's house ruins.

Venture into the ruins in Noman-lands with Faroth and find hidden Orc scouts.

  • Find the third hidden Orc scout in the noble's house ruins

Hidden Orc scouts can be found in the farm house ruins.

Venture into the ruins in Noman-lands with Faroth and find hidden Orc scouts.

  • Find the third hidden Orc scout in the farm house ruins

Hidden Orc Scouts can be found in the stable ruins.

Venture into the ruins in Noman-lands with Faroth and find hidden Orc scouts.

  • Find the second hidden Orc scout in the stable ruins

Hidden Orc scouts can be found in the store house ruins.

Venture into the ruins in Noman-lands with Faroth and find hidden Orc scouts.

  • Find the third hidden Orc scout in the store house ruins

Hidden Orc scouts can be found in the merchant's shop ruins.

Venture into the ruins in Noman-lands with Faroth and find hidden Orc scouts.

  • Find the second hidden Orc scout in the merchant's shop ruins

Hidden Orc scouts can be found in the inn ruins.

Venture into the ruins in Noman-lands with Faroth and find hidden Orc scouts.

  • Find the second hidden Orc scout in the inn ruins

Mablung can be found at the Camp of the Host, on the northern edge of North Ithilien.

You should return to Mablung.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268451973


0 gold coin 40 silver coin 35 copper coin
76500 xp icon
Legendary XP:
76500 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
63900 mount xp icon

Additional info


  • Find the third hidden Orc scout in the noble's house ruins
  • Find the third hidden Orc scout in the farm house ruins
  • Find the second hidden Orc scout in the stable ruins
  • Find the third hidden Orc scout in the store house ruins
  • Find the second hidden Orc scout in the merchant's shop ruins
  • Find the second hidden Orc scout in the inn ruins
  • Talk to Mablung
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