Book 14, Chapter 2: Allies Unexpected

Sometimes the best allies are those that arrive when they are not expected.

'The King and some others of his guard plan to ride for Isengard, but first they will take some hours rest. You should do so as well, ${PLAYER}.

'Speak to me if you are ready and I will prepare a place for you.'

Déorwine is inside the keep of the Hornburg, after sunrise, at Helm's Deep.

Déorwine is waiting for your word, and then he will prepare a place for you to rest before setting out for Isengard with the King.


Halbarad is on the road beyond the Fords of Isen.

You have both been through much, and Halbarad greatly wishes to hear what has transpired since last you spoke.


Aragorn is beyond the Fords of Isen, and wishes to speak with you.


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