Gandalf has unsettled business with Saruman, and the company rides with him to Isengard.
Aragorn has turned back to hear your opinion of the mysterious wood through which the company now travels.
Legolas has dismounted and is staring into the trees.
Théoden is on the road through the mysterious wood. He has never seen Ents before, and the sight has filled him with wonder.
Gandalf is on the road, waiting to proceed.
The company continues toward Isengard.
Aragorn has slowed beyond the Fords. He wishes to speak with you.
Éomer has heard a horseman approaching, and wants to speak with you.
Halbarad and the Grey Company have accomplished their mission, and Halbarad wants to speak with you.
Many of your friends among the Grey Company wish to speak with you before continuing on.
Aragorn is speaking with Halbarad past the Fords of Isen.