Book 14, Chapter 3: The Flooded Ring

Many purposes now collide within the Ring of Isengard.

'I spoke briefly with Halbarad, and if I had business within Isengard before now I count it double. We must find if Lothrandir still lives within the Ring, ${PLAYER}. Let Gandalf speak with Saruman for weeks, if that is his desire; my thoughts are of my kinsman. I have not seen him for many years, but Lothrandir has been a friend for longer than that and I will not abandon him.

'Let us ride along the road to Isengard! I am most curious to see what it is we will find.'

Aragorn has asked you to ride along the road to Isengard, and to keep your eyes peeled as you go.

  • Ride along the road north to Isengard, and remain alert

Gandalf stands by the Pillar of the Hand, on the way to Isengard.


Gandalf has warned you that you might not recognize Isengard since last you saw it.

  • Ride north to the gate of Isengard

You have found Merry and Pippin at the gate of Isengard.


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