Book 14, Chapter 7: Lothrandir

Halbarad has found a number of locked doors behind one of which Lothrandir might be held.

'I have exhausted most of the locked doors here in the depths, ${PLAYER}. Return to the surface and find Halbarad. There are some buildings in the wall to which he has not yet gained entry, and these keys may unlock some of those.

'Before I left him, he said he was planning to search the buildings north-west of the tower. That is where you should seek him.'

Halbarad is in the Ring of Isengard, north-west of Orthanc, looking for Lothrandir.

Golodir has asked you to return to the surface and to help Halbarad with his search for the captive Ranger.


Halbarad is in the Ring of Isengard, north-west of Orthanc, looking for Lothrandir.

Halbarad is waiting to go with you to search further buildings in Isengard for Lothrandir.


Halbarad is north-west of Orthanc.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268450642


0 gold coin 38 silver coin 35 copper coin
47000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
47000 legendary xp icon
Quest has an additional unknown reward
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