Chapter 13: Khazad-dûm At Last!

The dwarves have entered Moria at last, but their work has just begun. You will need to assist them in their struggle if they are to find any success in the forgotten halls of Khazad-dûm.

'Tulk is waiting to speak with you just inside the Doors of Durin. You remember him, do you not? He is pleased that you proved such a boon to the expedition and will be delighted to speak with you again.'

Tulk is just inside the Doors of Durin that stand by the still pool where you did battle with the Watcher in the Water.

You have been told to speak with Tulk about the dwarves that have entered Moria.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268442348


0 gold coin 9 silver coin 94 copper coin
3180 xp icon
Legendary XP:
3180 legendary xp icon
Quest has an additional unknown reward
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