Chapter 5: Keeping Sharp

Bori was charged with gathering suitable stones upon which to sharpen the pick-axes for workers at the Hollin Gate.

'Hello, ${PLAYER}. Did father send you to oversee on the charge he gave me? To tell you the truth, it hasn't been going very well.

'I was supposed to find suitable stones for sharpening the pick-axes for the workers at Hollin Gate, and I did find two of them, but then I got a little distracted. My friend Bróin and I have been discussing the treasures we might find within Moria, you see, and I lost track of the time.

'I'll give you these two stones I already found, if you like. Find the rest of them for me and I won't forget it! I had some luck looking along the dry bed of the Sirannon, but not every stone there is suitably sharp.'

Stones can be found along the dry bed of the Sirannon, but not every stone is suitably sharp.

Bori is waiting for you to bring him enough stones to sharpen the pick-axes needed by the workers unearthing the Hollin Gate.

  • Collect sharp Eregion stones (0/6)

Bori is at the base of the stairs that lead up to the foetid lake in front of the Hollin Gate. Stones can be found along the dry bed of the Sirannon, but not every stone is suitably sharp.

Bori is waiting for you to bring him enough stones to sharpen the pick-axes required by the workers unearthing the Hollin Gate.


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Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268442326


0 gold coin 24 silver coin 85 copper coin
5310 xp icon
Legendary XP:
5310 legendary xp icon
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