Chapter 3: Bósi the Dwarf

Tulk has asked you to bring a report to Bósi, the leader of the expedition of dwarves. Bósi's kin have come to Hollin purposing to enter Moria.

'I've written a report for you to bring to Bósi, ${PLAYER}. Show him this document and he will determine how best to utilise your assistance.

'You will find Bósi near some of the waggons beyond the rocky outcropping to the south-east. Just follow the road as it bends around the outcropping and turns north-east.'

Bósi is overseeing some of the waggons along the road through Hollin, south-east from the Hollin Gate and then bending to the north-east.

Tulk has given you a report to bring to Bósi, one of the dwarves leading the expedition to Hollin.


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