Chapter 11: Worth Beyond Measure

Your new weapon has the potential for worth beyond measure, but you must yet wield it in battle.

'Weapons of such worth improve as they are used, ${PLAYER}. Only when they are wielded in battle can they achieve the true measure of their greatness.

'Equip the weapon and use it against worthy foes, and it will improve as you do. When it has achieved a high measure of worth, bring it to me or the learned Dithalion in Rivendell, and one of us will advise you on what must be done next.'

Legendary Items gain experience as you fight experience-granting enemies with them. When such a weapon receives enough experience, it gains a level.

Wafi is in the Forging Hall of Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin, and Dithalion is by the Forges of Rivendell.

Now that you have fought many foes with your new weapon, you should return to either Wafi or Dithalion to demonstrate your progress.


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0 gold coin 9 silver coin 94 copper coin
3180 xp icon
Legendary XP:
3180 legendary xp icon
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