An Incident in the Camps

Pressing news has come to King Bard II.

'I must think long on all you have told me, ${PLAYER}. But a messenger has come with grave and pressing news, to judge by his face.

'Let us hear the tidings, then.'

The messenger stands before King Bard II, inside the Great-keep in Dale.

You should hear the messenger's tidings.


King Bard II, Queen Regent Erna, and Prince Bryn stand discussing the messenger's tidings in the Great-keep in Dale.

You should hear what Prince Bryn has to say in response to the messenger.


King Bard II, Queen Regent Erna, and Prince Bryn stand discussing the messenger's tidings in the Great-keep in Dale.

You should hear what King Bard II and his regent mother, Erna, have to say in response to Prince Bryn and the messenger.


You should talk to the messenger who stands before King Bard II in the Great-keep in Dale, and learn where you must go to investigate the report of violence.


You should speak to Enkárvo, the man of Dorwinion, in the refugee camp, across the river from Dale.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268452526


0 gold coin 42 silver coin 35 copper coin
Men of Dale (700)
125000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
125000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
104000 mount xp icon
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