The Reach of Justice

The old forester Víthog will lead you to Athálrik, where you can confront him for his accused crimes.

'Aye, I know his visits home are not to me, though I am the closest thing to family Athálrik ever had. I know also he has been troubled of late. Troubled as I have ever seen him.

'My eyes are still keen, and I see as much that is good as is stern in your face. I will take you to him. I hope you will do him some good. Ah, but what am I? I am an old man and I am given to worry.'

You should talk to Víthog, the old forester in the highlands west of Lake-town.


You should talk to Víthog, who has approached after your confrontation with Athálrik.


You should bring the memory-cloth back to Sangemêkh Turáh, in the refugee camps in the hills east of Dale.


You should return Queen Regent Erna, in the Great-keep in Dale, with the news that Athálrik chose death over justice.


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