Grimbeorn can be found in { { }}
Name | Level | Repeatable |
Interlude: Shades in the Swamp | 120 | No |
The Pact of Paws and Wings | 120 | No |
A Beorninghús Tradition | 120 | No |
Chapter 13.2: Grimbeorn's Interruption | 123 | No |
Call of the North | 130 | No |
The Work is Never Done | 130 | No |
Chapter 10.7: The Arrival of the Wise | 120 | No |
Defence at the Carrock | 120 | No |
A Scholar's Request | 130 | No |
Fate of the North | 130 | No |
Chapter 10.2: The Price of Lodging | 120 | No |
Introduction: Vales of Anduin | 120 | No |
Introduction: Vales of Anduin | 120 | No |
Through the Vale | 120 | No |
Chapter 13.1: Two Years of Peace | 123 | No |
To the Floodfells | 130 | No |
Chapter 10.1: A New Journey | 120 | No |
Chapter 10.3: Good Fences | 120 | No |