A Reckless Rescue

Scout-master Ausma has entered Shakhajât on her own, and though her apprentices were ordered to stay put, they are determined to come to her aid.

'I don't know what to do! Am I wrong to think Ausma is in trouble? She probably told us to stay here for a good reason.... No, I think we should go after her! The four of us can make it through that fort! But I don't want to make this call on my own. Will you ask Klúso and Molkha what they think?'

You should consult Klúso and Molkha.


Kyrstig is waiting to hear what the other scouts have decided.


It is time to venture inside the fort with your scout allies.

  • Meet the Scout Trio outside Shakhajât

Kyrstig has a plan.


You should search for the way to the throne room.

  • Find the throne room
  • You should search for the way to the throne room.

The throne room awaits you and your allies!


Ausma has been rescued from the clutches of Warlord Dushtalbúk!

You should talk to Ausma in Bárgstad.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453673


0 gold coin 92 silver coin 30 copper coin
504000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
504000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
346000 mount xp icon
Quest has an additional unknown reward
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