The Camps of Stazg Vozag

Klúso has been sent to investigate the hobgoblin out-camp called Stazg Vozag.

'Klúso has been sent to keep watch on Stazg Vozag, the hobgoblin out-camp. We know this is where runners from elsewhere in Gundabad deliver their missives and receive their marching orders, rather than entering Shakhajât itself. It seems the warlord takes his precautions very seriously. You should meet up with Klúso and hear what he has discovered.'

Klúso is east of Out-camp Stazg Vozag, spying on the hobgoblins.

You should find Klúso and help him however you can.


Klúso is east of Out-camp Stazg Vozag, spying on the hobgoblins.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453673


0 gold coin 46 silver coin 15 copper coin
189000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
189000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
130000 mount xp icon
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