Enemy \qIntelligence\q

Stazg Vozag, the main out-camp in the Pit of Stonejaws, receives messages from hobgoblins elsewhere in Gundabad.

'While I've been watching, I've seen quite a few runners come and go with scraps of paper to deliver to Captain Zúrthrug. I assume they are then passed on to the warlord and his closest advisors. Some of this intelligence is probably still in the camp, and will be useful to the war effort!

'Intelligence? In hobgoblins? Bah, there has to be a better word. Well, it will do for now.'

Scraps of paper inside the out-camp might hold information intended for the hobgoblin leadership... but they might be intercepted by a daring adventurer.

  • Collect the fifth hobgoblin report

Klúso is scouting near Stazg Vozag.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453673


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