At Woods' Edge

Concerned that Hárskor has not returned from his errand, Grimbeorn has sent you to seek him in the Woodmen settlement of Hultvís.

'Have the Wizards told you much of the Woodmen, ${PLAYER}?'

'Before you came to the Vales, their settlement of Hultvís was beset by wargs and goblins come down from the mountains. Its fences were splintered and its houses were singed with goblin-fire, but Hultvís endured. Alas, it proved a costly victory. Many hale men and a few of my kin were slain by the goblins, and now the chieftain of the Woodmen, Ríkmar, fears that he must face this tragedy on his own. He will not, and I have promised him my aid.

'My kin have served as guardians of the Woodmen for many years, and it is a time of great need for Ríkmar's people. With many of his hunters slain, his people grow hungry. Worse still, he lacks the men to defend his people should the fences of Hultvís fall to the goblins. Some days ago I sent one of my kin, Hárskor, to the woods' edge with a waggon of provisions, but he has not returned and he is needed here among us. I can spare no others for this task, and you have proven yourself trustworthy in my eyes. Deliver my message to Hárskor, and aid Ríkmar and his people as best you can.

'Perhaps he has remained in Hultvís for reasons of his own, but it is time he returned home!'

The settlement of Hultvís can be found far to the south of the Beorning-lands in Woodsedge.

Grimbeorn has asked you to seek one of his kin, Hárskor, and aid the chieftain of the Woodmen, Ríkmar.

  • Deliver Grimbeorn's message to Hárskor in Hultvís

Ríkmar, chieftain of the Woodmen, can be found in the settlement of Hultvís in Woodsedge.

Grimbeorn sent his kinsman, Hárskor, to Woodsedge bearing much-needed supplies for the Woodmen of the Vales of Anduin. However, Hárskor has not returned and you have found no sign of his passing in Hultvís.


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159000 legendary xp icon

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