The Towers of The Teeth

Thurindol believes that many more foes hide and wait for the Host of the West within the Towers of the Teeth.

'It can be no coincidence the entrance to Carchost is defended by an entire encampment of Orcs. Some unpleasant surprise waits within. I have watched many comings and goings of Uruk-hai through the iron gates at the base of the tower.

'I believe, were you to find your way in there, you might wreak some havoc and spoil the surprise.'

You should defeat Uruk-hai within the Towers of the Teeth.

  • Defeat Uruks within the Towers of the Teeth (0/12)

Defeated many Uruks within the Towers of the Teeth.


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0 gold coin 40 silver coin 35 copper coin
76500 xp icon
Legendary XP:
76500 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
63900 mount xp icon

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  • Defeat Uruks within the Towers of the Teeth (0/12)
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