Thurindol can be found in { { }}
Name | Level | Repeatable |
Skoironk: Breeder of Poison | 105 | Yes |
Towers of the Teeth: Guardian of the Depths | 105 | Yes |
What Lies Beneath the Hills | 105 | No |
Surveying the Morannon | 105 | No |
Sifting for a Solution | 105 | No |
A Sample of Corruption | 105 | No |
Weapons out of Hand | 105 | No |
Lethal Larvae | 105 | No |
A Dangerous Trap | 105 | No |
Foundation of Artifacts | 105 | No |
Skoironk: Vile Dwellings | 105 | Yes |
Towers of the Teeth: A Brush with Death | 105 | Yes |
Skoironk: Complex Ores | 105 | Yes |
Towers of the Teeth: Depths of Shadow | 105 | Yes |
Forgotten Orders | 105 | No |
Orders from Beyond the Gate | 105 | No |
Unnatural Terrain | 105 | No |