Enemies Beneath the Towers

Thurindol wants to cause more trouble for the enemies within the Towers of the Teeth.

'We have done much to frustrate the enemies who dwell within the Towers of the Teeth. They are numerous, however, as you have seen, and will regroup sooner or later. The more you can trouble them, the better.'

You should defeat enemies within the Towers of the Teeth.

  • Defeat enemies within the Towers of the Teeth (0/20)

Defeated many enemies within the Towers of the Teeth.


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0 gold coin 40 silver coin 35 copper coin
45900 xp icon
Legendary XP:
45900 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
38400 mount xp icon

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  • Defeat enemies within the Towers of the Teeth (0/20)
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