Towering Overseers

Thurindol needs you to defeat the Black Númenóreans that oversee operations within the Towers of the Teeth.

'It is not just the Orcs we must deal with in the Slag-hills. Evil Men gather here as well. While Candúr is occupied with the Easterlings, I have been monitoring a small group of Black Númenóreans. I believe they have taken shelter within the Towers of the Teeth. If you find yourself within Carchost, these Black Númenóreans must be defeated. They are powerful men with nothing but malice towards all others.'

Carchost Overseers can be found within the Towers of the Teeth.

You should defeat Carchost Overseers within the Towers of the Teeth.


Defeated many Carchost Overseers within the Towers of the Teeth.


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0 gold coin 40 silver coin 35 copper coin
76500 xp icon
Legendary XP:
76500 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
63900 mount xp icon

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