Enemies Beneath the Mountain

Thurindol believes that many more Orcs hide and wait for the Host of the West within the Maggot-hole caverns of Skoironk.

'There are still more Orcs residing beneath the Wastes. If you find yourself within the maggot tunnels, defeat the Orcs you see. They must not be allowed to attack the Host of the West.'

The Enemy can be found within the caverns of Skoironk.

You should defeat enemies within Skoironk.

  • Defeat enemies within Skoironk (0/20)

Defeated many enemies within Skoironk.


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0 gold coin 40 silver coin 35 copper coin
45900 xp icon
Legendary XP:
45900 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
38400 mount xp icon

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  • Defeat enemies within Skoironk (0/20)
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