Through the Gardens of Gondor

North Ithilien, home to the last refuge of the Rangers of Ithilien, is the border between Gondor and the lands of the Enemy.

'It is good to see you again, ${PLAYER}.

'Even after such a great battle, the memory of your deeds in South Ithilien has not left me or my company. Lord Faramir is safe and heals within Minas Tirith, and my captain, Anborn, has returned to the refuge of Henneth Annûn with most of our company.

'The Dark Lord has not taken his defeat lightly, and he has sent his forces into North Ithilien to strike before the Host of the West can reach the Black Gate.

'My company and I would have much use for a ${CLASS} of your skill, especially after such a victory has been won against the Enemy.

'There are a few more matters I wish to speak of here, but then I would ask that you meet me at the baths of Aelin Veren - far to the north along the roadway. Will you aid me, my friend?'

Thurindol can be found at Aelin Veren, far to the north of the Cross-roads in North Ithilien.

Thurindol has asked you to aid him with a few tasks before meeting him at the baths of Aelin Veren.


Aelin Veren can be found in central North Ithilien.

You have arrived at Aelin Veren to find a party of Rangers in need of aid. Thurindol has asked you to aid them before meeting him further north along the road.

  • Aid the Rangers at Aelin Veren as much as you are able, and when you are ready to move on, meet Thurindol along the road to the north

Dornach is standing along the main roadway in central North Ithilien.

A Ranger named Dornach has asked you to heed his orders if you wish to travel to Henneth Annûn.


Thurindol can be found within Henneth Annûn in north-central North Ithilien.

You have been brought to Henneth Annûn by Dornach and should now seek out Thurindol.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268451784


0 gold coin 40 silver coin 35 copper coin
76500 xp icon
Legendary XP:
76500 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
63900 mount xp icon
Quest has an additional unknown reward

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