Dornach has agreed to bring you to Henneth Annûn, but only by secret ways.
'Stay where you are, ${CLASS}, and tell me your purpose in Ithilien at once.'
You inform the Ranger that you are a friend of Anborn, Mablung, and Damrod. You then tell him that you sought to join Thurindol at Henneth Annûn, but became separated after passing through Aelin Veren.
'I see...
'You know many of my brethren, but a resourceful foe might also learn such things...'
You tell the Ranger of the great battle on the Pelennor Fields and of Faramir's rest in the Houses of Healing.
'Lord Faramir lives still! I... I suspect that you speak the truth, for to know that my captain heals even now brings me great relief, and no foe of the Rangers would desire to give us even the faintest hope.
'Still, you must do as I say if you are to come to Henneth Annûn.
'Sit near me, and I will blindfold you. As long as you heed my words, I swear no harm will come to you. Only by hidden paths will I lead you to the refuge of Henneth Annûn.
'Am I understood?'
Dornach can be found along the road to the north of Aelin Veren in North Ithilien.
Dornach has asked you to sit near him, so he can blindfold you for your journey to Henneth Annûn.
Dornach is leading you to the hidden refuge of Henneth Annûn.
Dornach can be found within Henneth Annûn.
Dornach has led you to the hidden refuge of Henneth Annûn. You should now speak to him.