Disruption at Harlanc

Thurindol sends you on a mission to disrupt the forces gathered at Harlanc. There, he hopes you will use your best judgement to efficiently cripple the encampment.

'I have heard that Anborn was not displeased with the help you have given us. I believe you are trustworthy. Now let us send you out on Ranger's work so you may prove your skill and discretion.

'Not far from here lies Harlanc. It is the ruins of a small town overlooking the southern cliffs of Emyn Arnen. The ruins have recently been taken over by Haradrim who make camp there. The walls of the ruins remain mostly intact, making it a viable fortress. I want you to infiltrate the ruins and disrupt the camp however you see fit. I do, however, recommend destroying their supplies before they fortify their encampment. I wish you luck, ${PLAYER}.'

Harlanc is located south of Bâr Húrin.

You should enter the Haradrim camp at Harlanc.

  • Disrupt the forces gathered at Harlanc

Harlanc is located south of Bâr Húrin.

You should destroy Haradrim supplies in Harlanc and search for other ways to disrupt their operations there.


Thurindol can be found in the keep at Bâr Húrin.

You should talk to Thurindol.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268450944


0 gold coin 39 silver coin 35 copper coin
59900 xp icon
Legendary XP:
59900 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
50100 mount xp icon
Quest has an additional unknown reward

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