The Long Road to Woodhurst

Thane Nothmar is ready to aid Woodhurst, as he promised. He will depart for Woodhurst shortly after speaking with those who will coordinate the defence of Gapholt during his absence.

'I have gathered the men, and they await my order to depart. I must speak with those who are coordinating the defence while I am gone.

'You seem eager to return to Woodhurst... feel free to depart when you are ready, and we will meet you there. I am a man of honour and will keep my word.'

The time has come to leave Gapholt and return to Woodhurst. You will need to pass over the bridge to begin your return journey.

  • Cross the bridge to leave Gapholt

Westan is on the bridge leading into Gapholt.

Westan saw you coming and called for your attention.


Mate Isernore is along the road between Gapholt and Woodhurst.

Mate Isernore was once a mine owned by Gifemund, but was taken by the White Hand who crossed the Swiftwater River.

  • Travel to Mate Isernore

Mate Isernore is along the road between Gapholt and Woodhurst.

White Hand scourge should be wiped out of Mate Isernore and out of the northern Stonedeans. The mine and its resources were not theirs to take.


Herubrand is in the cellar of the farmhouse in Woodhurst.

You should return to Herubrand to inform him of your success in bringing aid from Gapholt and defeating the White Hand forces in Mate Isernore.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449755


0 gold coin 60 silver coin 16 copper coin
56800 xp icon
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56800 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
47500 mount xp icon

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