New Labourers of Mate Isernore

The White Hand who captured Mate Isernore have begun working the mine for its resources. Those of lower rank seem to be responsible for the majority of the labour.

The leaders of the White Hand group have relegated the mining duties to the lower ranking soldiers. The Dunlendings, being of the lowest rank, seem responsible for most of the manual labour. The Orc warriors are aiding their efforts or performing guard duty.

Mate Isernore was once a mine owned by Gifemund, but was conquered by a group of White Hand from Madh-fushaum.

  • Defeat Dunlending Labourers (0/12) Defeat White Hand Warriors (0/8)

The Dunlendings, being of the lowest rank, seem responsible for most of the manual labour. The Orc warriors are aiding their efforts or performing guard duty.


The workers are defeated and the mining operations in Mate Isernore have all but ceased.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449755


0 gold coin 37 silver coin 95 copper coin
42600 xp icon
Legendary XP:
42600 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
35600 mount xp icon

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