The Broadacres Betrayed

At Lúfa's behest, you brought Thane Ordlac's token to Thane Torferth at Torsbury. He received it with great wrath.

'We must ride at once, ${PLAYER}, for there is little time to lose. The lives of many are at stake, not the least of which are Lúfa's and the Reeve's children's. We must take Stoke from the traitor and bring him ruin!

'There is no time to spare, my friend...will you ride with the Toringas once more?'

Thane Torferth is at Tordag's encampment near Torsbury.

You should speak with Thane Torferth when you are ready to march upon Stoke.


Thane Torferth is in the Mead Hall of Stoke.

You should speak with Thane Torferth regarding Ordlac and his treachery.


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0 gold coin 75 silver coin 10 copper coin
61800 xp icon
Legendary XP:
61800 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
10700 mount xp icon
Quest has an additional unknown reward

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