Instance: The Broadacres Betrayed

Thane Torferth of Torsbury has brought his men to Stoke, where he prepares to march upon the Mead Hall and confront the traitor Ordlac.

Thane Torferth stands on the road to Stoke.

You should speak with Thane Torferth before the attack.


The Mead Hall of Stoke is at the end of the road.

Torferth is making for the Mead Hall of Stoke, where he intends to confront Ordlac.

  • Fight through Ordlac's forces to the Mead Hall of Stoke

Dudsig and his guards are blocking the way to Ordlac and the children. Defeat them and confront Ordlac.


Ordlac is near the end of the Mead Hall, threatening Reeve Fríthild's children.

Aid Torferth against Ordlac and protect the children.

  • Defeat Ordlac and protect the children

Thane Torferth is in the Mead Hall of Stoke.

You should speak with Thane Torferth at once.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449749


This quests offers no rewards

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