Welcome to Moria

Thormóth, leader of the dwarf-expedition group that holds Durin's Threshold, has asked you to help his folk get settled after the ordeal at the gate.

'Welcome to Moria, ${PLAYER}. You join us at a momentous time! I am the master of the expedition group here at Durin's Threshold. Other expedition groups have already moved further on into the depths of Khazad-dûm, hoping to find Balin's expedition of some years ago and learn of their fate.

'My fellow dwarves are having a difficult time settling in, for a number of reasons. If you could assist them, I would be most grateful.'

Gamli and Ráthulf are in Durin's Threshold. Athils is in the North Wing of Durin's Threshold: up the stairs, to the north, and then west.

Thormóth has asked you to speak with some of the dwarves who are having difficulty in settling Durin's Threshold.


Thormóth is in Durin's Threshold.

Having lent a helping hand at this first expedition site, you should now return to its leader.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268442348


5470 xp icon
Legendary XP:
5470 legendary xp icon

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