Setting Up Shop

Athils is looking for assistance in getting an old forge in the North Wing up and running.

'Ah, hello, ${PLAYER}! We are off to a rough start here, to be sure, but is this not an exciting time? Already we have excavated these most impressive forges.

'Would you like to help me set up shop? Be careful... the fires are hot. The Dwarves of Moria knew what they were about when they built these!'

Dull blades can be found on weapon-racks in the North Wing of Durin's Threshold.

You should collect several dull blades for restoration in the newly-lit forge.

  • Collect dull blades (0/6)

The forge of the North Wing can be found near Athils.

You should use the forge to restore the blades you collected.

  • Use the forge to restore the blades (0/6)

Athils is in the North Wing of Durin's Threshold, overseeing the work being done there.

You should bring the newly restored blades to Athils.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268442348


0 gold coin 25 silver coin 20 copper coin
5470 xp icon
Legendary XP:
5470 legendary xp icon

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