Chapter 5: The Battle of the Twenty-first Hall

The Twenty-first Hall is a major centre for the dwarf-presence in Moria, and must be held at any cost.

'It comes down to this, ${PLAYER}: if we lose the Twenty-first Hall, we lose Moria. The Orcs will strike soon, and the stroke will be hard and fast. We cannot fall here, or we shall not find our footing again!

'If we must, we will retreat from the forward barricades. Better to lose some ground than to lose good dwarves!'

This quest involves a Skirmish that can be completed at Solo, Small Fellowship, or Fellowship group sizes by using the Instance Finder Panel. This Skirmish has a minimum level of 55.

If this is your first Skirmish, you should visit one of the Skirmish Camps found throughout Middle-earth and speak with a Skirmish Captain to properly train. Skirmish Camps can be found in the following regions: Ered Luin, Bree-land, the Shire, the Lone-lands, the North Downs, the Trollshaws, Evendim, Forochel, Angmar, Eregion, Moria, and Lothlórien.

Wíli is in the Twenty-first Hall.

The time has come to defend the Twenty-first Hall from attack by the Orc onslaught. Speak with Wíli to arrange the defence.


Wíli is in the Twenty-first Hall.

You have successfully defended the Twenty-first Hall from the Orc attack, and should speak now with Wíli.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268442347


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11300 xp icon
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11300 legendary xp icon
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