Instance: The Drowned Treasury

You have come with Bori to the flooded passages beneath the Water-works, where he believes Zigilburk might yet be found.

Bori is just inside the door to Gundlajân.

Bori is waiting to speak with you about his plan.


The flooded tunnels between Gundlajân and Ghân-gharâf are blocked by ancient dwarf-mechanisms and filled with all manners of dangerous beasts. Both challenges will need to be overcome.

  • Clear a path through the flooded tunnels to Ghân-gharâf

Bori has helped clear a passage into Ghân-gharâf, and you should now make your way through it.

  • Enter Ghân-gharâf through the unblocked passage

You have discovered Bróin in the flooded ruin of Ghân-gharâf, still alive despite his struggle with the Watcher in the Water before the Doors of Durin.


Through secret, water-filled passages, the Watcher has returned to Ghân-gharâf to find something unexpected: adventurers who wish to challenge it.

  • Do battle with the Watcher in the Water

Bróin is weak, but you may be able to rescue him from the flooded depths before the Watcher returns in anger.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268442326


This quests offers no rewards

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