Chapter 3: Preparations for the Heart of Fire

Stóthkell is glad to have your help preparing the Heart of Fire for the coming storm.

'My lieutenant will tell you how best to help us with the preparations, ${PLAYER}. I would trust Rink Stronghammer with my life. Ask him what should be done, and make it so.

'We here in the Heart of Fire will stand against the Orcs until the very end. And then, if all else seems lost, we will shut the door.

'We will only do so at the greatest need, though. Help Rink with the preparation for our defence, and the time until we must shut the door may be long put off.'

Rink Stronghammer is in the Heart of Fire, off the Way of Smiths, among the Silvertine Lodes.

Stóthkell has asked you to aid his lieutenant with preparations for the defence of the Heart of Fire.


Stóthkell is in the Heart of Fire, off the Way of Smiths, among the Silvertine Lodes.

You have aided Rink Stronghammer with his preparations and should now report of your successes to Stóthkell.


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0 gold coin 11 silver coin 6 copper coin
4590 xp icon
Legendary XP:
4590 legendary xp icon
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