Intro: The Halls of Edhelion

Elladan entered Edhelion and found goblins digging away at the walls. He slew many of the foul creatures and drove the others and their boggart minions away.

'In my battle against the goblins, I managed to kill many before the rest retreated beyond the west gate of Edhelion. The goblins I slew lay about the small pool just east of here. While I keep watch for their companions to return, I would ask that you search the remains of the slain for clues as to why they are here.

'The pool lies beneath the trees to the east. Be wary, for it is home to foul slugs. Be quick now...we must learn what the goblins were up to!'

The corpses of the slain goblins lie to the east of Elladan, surrounding the pool there.

Elladan killed several goblins and wants you to search the dead for clues, while he remains at his post.

  • Search dead goblins (0/4)

Elladan awaits you to the west of the pool.

Your search revealed that many of the goblins carried dwarf-made pick-axes. Elladan will be most interested in your find.


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0 gold coin 0 silver coin 90 copper coin
73 xp icon
Quest has an additional unknown reward
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