Name | Level | Repeatable |
Among the Thieves | 100 | No |
In Search of Truth | 100 | No |
The Legacy of Sirgon | 100 | No |
Returning What Belongs | 100 | No |
A Wary Extraction | 100 | No |
Delivering New Orders | 100 | No |
Food For the Stranded | 100 | No |
Lost in the Confusion | 100 | No |
The Streets of Silence | 100 | No |
The Enemy Line | 100 | No |
Struggle for Freedom | 100 | No |
Breaking the News | 100 | No |
Faltharan's Confrontation | 100 | No |
Farewell to Pelargir | 100 | No |
Instance: Farewell to Pelargir | 100 | No |
Instance: Faltharan's Confrontation | 100 | No |