In Pursuit of Orcs

TBD Dumuri 2 is unhappy with the number of orcs in the area and has asked that you reduce it

TBD Bestow

TBD Dumuri 2 tells you that they are unhappy with the number of orcs in the area and the opening of Utug Bur has made it worse.

They ask you to slay orcs in the area for them.

TBD Dumuri 2 has asked you to slay orcs in Urash Dâr

  • Defeat Orcs in Urash Dâr (0/18)

Return to TBD Dumuri 2 and let them know you have reduced the number of orcs in the area


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0 gold coin 49 silver coin 35 copper coin
687000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
687000 legendary xp icon

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