Make Safe the Gorge

Shukûri in the Gorge of Woe has asked for your help thinning the number of wasps and grims in the area.

TBD Bestow

Shukûri asks for your help to thin the numbers of wasps and grims in the Gorge of Woe to help make a safer path for her escape.

Shukûri has asked you to thin the numbers of wasps and grims within the Gorge of Woe.

  • Defeat Urâshi wasps (0/8)

Return to Shukûri in the Gorge of Woe and let her know that you have thinned the number of enemies in the area.


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0 gold coin 49 silver coin 35 copper coin
687000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
687000 legendary xp icon

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