Beast Patrol

TBD Ashagir Refugee 2 has a growing concern with the Kergrim below the cliffs and asks you to get rid of them.

TBD Bestow

TBD Ashagir Refugee 2 has been keeping an eye on the Kergrim below and is getting worried.

They ask you to clear out the Kergrims to help make the hideout safe as they don't have the power to defend themselves if the Kergrim attacked.

TBD Ashagir Refugee 2 has asked you to get rid of the Kergrim at the bottom of the cliffs to help make the hideout safer for the people who remain.

  • Defeat Kergrim near Ashagir (0/10)

Return to TBD Ashagir Refugee 2 and let them know that the hideout will now be safe from the Kergrim.


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0 gold coin 49 silver coin 35 copper coin
687000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
687000 legendary xp icon

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