The Talking Tortoise

Angârmu has told you of a mystical talking tortoise he has encountered nearby and asked you to seek it out.

TBD Bestow

Angârmu tells you about a mystical talking tortoise he knows of nearby and asks you to seek it out.

Angârmu has asked that you seek out a mystical talking tortoise nearby to the TBD.

  • Find the tortoise den

You found a tortoise at the den in Zikrum-dûl. Speak with it to see if it's the one Angârmu told you about.


You tried speaking to a tortoise at the den in Zikrum-dûl, but it turned out to be a generic tortoise. Speak with another to see if it's the one Angârmu told you about.


You found a slightly more interesting tortoise at the den in Zikrum-dûl. Try speaking with it to see if it's the one Angârmu told you about


Return to Angârmu near Zikrum-dûl with the tortoise.


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0 gold coin 49 silver coin 35 copper coin
687000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
687000 legendary xp icon
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