Eyes in the Demon-Pit

TBD Brigand Tactician has asked you to go investigate Utug-bûr because they need more information on what they are up against.

TBD Bestowal

TBD Brigand introduces themselves

They talk about how they don't know much about what came out of the demon-pit, Utug-bûr, and they need to know more.

They ask you to investigate and learn what you can, but to keep your distance.

They tell you a good spot you could go to scout from

Scout Utug-bûr from the location that TBD Brigand Tactician described.

  • Scout out Utug-bûr to gather information

Return to TBD Brigand Tactician with the information you've gathered on Utug-bûr.


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0 gold coin 49 silver coin 35 copper coin
687000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
687000 legendary xp icon
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