Doomed Invocation

Hênok has asked you to defeat Khadimâl and stop the ritual in Ghâs Hejai.

'Your findings are troubling indeed, ${CLASS}. It appears the cultists are planning something nefarious.

'It is clear that the Hakâri are preparing to enact a ritual and these notes you gathered have mention of a Khadimâl, who is to perform it.

'Go now and infiltrate the gathering and defeat this Khadimâl. We must disrupt this ritual before it can reach its completion, for the consequences of its completion could be dire.

'I will make haste to Jadambor and inform Bôgalekh of this threat. Return to her once you have stopped the ritual.'

After informing Hênok of what you discovered you have been asked to return to Ghâs Hejai in Dil-irmíz.

  • Discover the ritual location in Ghâs Hejai

Khadimâl must be stopped before they complete their ritual within Ghâs Hejai in Dil-irmíz.


Return to Bôgalekh in Jadambor in Dil-irmíz and inform them of your triumph over the Hakâri.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268454507


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687000 xp icon
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687000 legendary xp icon

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