A Trap Sprung

Arthiel tells the player they may find Tirneldir near the fish traps to the south. Investigate to see if you can find out what happened to them.

'Thank ye kindly for allowing me a moment, friend.

'Aye, I had seen Tirneldir here but he left a bit back to check on his fish traps, and I've not seen him since.

'You can find his traps along the shore outside of the city gate to the south, near a scorched building.

'Luck be with ye in finding him, and I hope no shadows darken their tale.'

Arthiel has not seen Tirneldir for some time and told you he may be at his fish traps to the south of Lond Cirion.

  • Search for Tirneldir at the fish traps outside the southern gate

There was no sign of Tirneldir at the fish traps just outside of the southern gate in Lond Cirion, he may be at other traps nearby.

  • Check the area for signs of Tirneldir

You have found Tirneldir outside of the southern gate in Lond Cirion. You should speak with him as he appears injured and scared.

  • Speak with Tirneldir

Tirneldir has asked you to return to Lindil back near the northern gate in upper Lond Cirion.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268454314


0 gold coin 75 silver coin 46 copper coin
684000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
684000 legendary xp icon

Additional info


  • Search for Tirneldir at the fish traps outside the southern gate
  • Check the area for signs of Tirneldir
  • Speak with Tirneldir
  • Talk to Lindil
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