Fire Glands

Alchemists within the city of Umbar use the glands from the worms in the crags to strengthen or modify many of their potions. You were asked to collect several of the glands from the creatures to the north-west of the city.

'North and west of our encampment and beyond the city bounds you will find a collection of worms in the craggy hills. I have a request for the glands within their throats that give them their fiery disposition and abilities.

'Our alchemists make use of them in many ways and pay my patron for their acquisition. I will need six pairs of intact fire-glands to offer you payment.'

You were instructed to head north and west of the expedition encampment to find the intact fire-glands in the throats of the worms there. When gathered, you should return the glands to Abido at the expedition camp.

  • Collect worm fire-glands (${NUMBER}/6)

You recovered the intact fire-glands from the worms in the eastern area of the Cape of Umbar. Return your collection to Abido at the hunter's expedition in the south-east of the Cape of Umbar.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268454363


0 gold coin 49 silver coin 15 copper coin
393000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
393000 legendary xp icon

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