Delivery to Melgobas

Harthel in Melgobas awaits his family's return.

'You will be passing west through Melgobas, will you not? Bring the ox parts to my husband, Harthel, and please let him know that we are fine.

'I shall rest here until it's safe for us to travel back. Avri will watch over me.'

Sadrech has asked you to bring the ox parts to her husband, Harthel, in Melgobas.

Melgobas can be found west of her camp.


Harthel has given you a bucket of offal to feed to the stray cats around Melgobas.

  • Feed stray cats around Melgobas (${CURRENT}/${MAX})

You've fed every stray cat you could find in Melgobas.

You should talk to Harthel.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268454314


0 gold coin 47 silver coin 95 copper coin
488000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
488000 legendary xp icon

Additional info


  • Feed stray cats around Melgobas (${CURRENT}/${MAX})
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