Hide and Secrets

A lonely boy in Melgobas wants to play a game.

'Will you play a game with me? My sister is busy, so I've got no one to play with... I'll hide somewhere, and you'll have to find me. I promise I won't go far.

'Go to the well over there, across from the horses. Close your eyes and count slow! You have to play fair!'

Anoch has asked you to play a game with him. He'll hide, and you'll have to find him.

To start, you should approach the well across from the stables in north-east Melgobas.

  • Approach the well across from the Melgobas stables

You should give Anoch ten seconds to hide.

  • Count to ten

You should find Anoch hiding somewhere in Melgobas.

You've found Anoch!

You should talk to him.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268454314


0 gold coin 47 silver coin 95 copper coin
488000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
488000 legendary xp icon

Additional info


  • Approach the well across from the Melgobas stables
  • Count to ten
  • Talk to Anoch
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